Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I would take the privilege of calling the opening shots in this blog space, just a restatement of the questions that I had put forth to the panel of Miss Nilekani and Miss Bakshi...

the question was like this,
to quote booker prize winner, Miss Arundhati Roy, India marketing itself as a democracy is one of the biggest public relations scam ever committed on such a grandiose scale..

1. in this light, how does the notion of free market forces and forces of globalisation addressing social inequities not appear as anything but a self defeating arguement and only a mode of gratifying the whiskers of the fat cats of the nation, specifically corporations and ruling dynastic political elite.

2. what is your take on the relevance or the irrelevance of the 4th estate given the fact that major media houses have bartered ideologies of journalism to the free market, where everything is up for sale and the best bidder wins...